Thursday 17 February 2011

Visit Lion Country: Watch the ALERT Lions on TV!!

You can watch the ALERT Lions and David Youldon HERE. (May not be available in all countries)

David Youldon and the Ngamo Pride need your assistance

The Ngamo pride are nearing the point where they can be returned to the wild. Please donate here if you can to help the process along.

The amounts needed are not enormous- your donation can really make a difference.

Join the LION ALERT group on FaceBook

The LION ALERT Group (African Lion & Environmental Research Trust ( on FaceBook

Friday 11 February 2011

The African Lion is in Danger but You can help us Save It

Surprising as it may be to hear, the African lion is fast becoming a rare species in the continent famed for it. The reasons are familiar to most people now - habitat destruction, poaching, illegal hunting and the disappearance of the game species which they feed on. But although the situation is bad, we should not give up. There are many things we can do to help - and the guys behind the ALERT program have already figured very good ways to turn things around.

These divide broadly into two - programs to do with helping the lions themselves, and programs which help the people most affected by lions, and who can do the most to save them.

Over the next weeks and months, we will explain in detail how these programs provide a concrete and scientific path to ensure the future of the lion - symbol of African wildlife.